We developed our proof of concept version containing the core engine and now we are playing with it! Addicting already! 🙂
To be precise we are headed towards creating a playable prototype featuring the real game-play mechanics we imagined! To create the kind of challenges and missions we have in mind we need some tools. So we developed our own level editor called the ELD Designer. Why developing our own you say? Well, there isn’t a decent universal one (actively developed and supported) … You don’t believe me? Spend some time with Google then 🙂 There are many game makers, game studios, game crafts, game whatever and many other awesome and heavy tools which will do the job … most likely or maybe no 🙂
Why such tool should be related to any platform or framework? Why not just a generic one which is universal enough to be configured specifically for your needs? Then use it for fast prototyping of your ideas and then deploying it and testing your creations on the fly. For example UMLet. It may have nothing to do with level editors, but this is what a useful tool should look like! Easy, fast, clean … Nerdy, huh 🙂
Apart from this our research showed that everybody makes his own editor anyway so, we did the same 🙂
So, ELD Designer is born and is available as an open source project on github!